Conditions of participation Registration Fee: Full-time participation with the report: the equivalent of 200 EUR at the time of payment (includes conference materials, badge, coffee-break). Full-time participation without a report: the equivalent of 200 EUR at the time of payment (includes conference materials, badge, coffee-break). Absent participation: the equivalent of 100 EUR at the time of payment (includes conference materials). Students, graduate students: the equivalent of 100 EUR at the time of payment (includes conference materials, badge, coffee-break). Organizational fee for fellow participants (several people from one enterprise and accompanying persons without publishing and without a report, family members, if present at the conference): 100 EUR at the time of payment (badge, coffee-break). Conference materials can be purchased from the organizers for an additional payment. Foreign enterprises that have their branches or representative offices in Ukraine pay registration fee as a foreign enterprise. If a participant from Ukraine presents information or products of foreign enterprise, he pays the registration fee as a foreign enterprise. Application form for participation Form 1 Registration 2019 and articles Form 2 Talk 2019, please send to: The application along with the receipt for payment should be sent by 30.04.2019 1. Proceedings of the conference Scientific and scientific-practical articles and theses. Article up to 3 pages A4, black and white print. Additional pages: the equivalent of 10 euros for 1 additional page The form for submitting articles is in the application Form 2 Talk 2019 2. Catalog of products and services It will be published in Germany for work and in the German market. Information is provided on the product - drugs, technologies, software products, measuring technology, laboratory and consulting services for agricultural production. Application: Form 3 Optional service 2019 Form for submitting information to the catalog of products and services in the Form 4 catalog 2019 Advertising in the catalog of products and services: one color advertising page in free form A4: the equivalent of 500 Euro at the time of payment. When placing an advertising page in the Catalog of products and services, the advertiser receives the right to place the company's logo on the front page of the Catalog (as well as the sponsor) will be the opportunity to place an advertising poster, samples of products and prospectuses for exhibition, to make a report in the corresponding block of the conference, print an article in a collection of scientific papers (by decision of the program committee) Form 3 Optional service 2019 Exhibition of Products and Services For those who wish to present their product at the Exhibition of Products and Services, which will be organized on 26.06.2019 in parallel with plenary reports and a round table for farmers and production workers in the hall of the main building. The equipment is provided: panels, podiums, shop windows. Application for equipment Form 3 Optional service 2019 Excursions and a friendly dinner are paid additionally upon arrival. Participation at will. Payment in UAH 5167 9856 9061 2163 Payment in EUR, USD 2620 2603 2768 49 To facilitate the participants from the EU the process of paying the registration fee through a bank account, it can be paid on-line by the bank account of the organizer from the German side daRostim. Participants from EU countries send an application for the address of the organizers from Ukraine and receive bank details of the organizer from Germany. Amount payment 200 euros. Evidence of transfer of funds can be a print after making payment on-line- banking. Copy of printout and article by participants from EU countries send up to 30.04.2019 also to the address